| Publications
- Competency system for clinical pharmacists as a tool for the evaluation of pharmaceutical care. V: How to Develop Academic Capacity to Ensure Seamless Education. FIP Congress, Pre-Congress Satellite Symposium Abstracts, FIP Pharmacy Education Taskforce, Lisbon 2010
- Electronic medication ordering with integrated drug database and clinical decision support system. V: MANTAS, John (ur.). Quality of life through quality of information : proceedings of MIE2012, (Studies in health technology and informatics (Online), ISSN 1879-8365, 180). Amsterdam [etc.]: IOS Press. cop. 2012
- Impact of pharmaceutical dosage forms on pharmacokinetics of drugs. V: POPLAS-SUSIČ, Tonka (ur.), VAJD, Rajko (ur.). [Zbornik predavanj], 16. Schrottovi dnevi, Ljubljana, 2013,
- Assessment of surveys for the management of hospital clinical pharmacy services. Artificial intelligence in medicine, ISSN 0933-3657. [Print ed.], 2015,
- Biologicals and biosimilars - how to measure similarity? Farmacevtski vestnik. 2015,
- Evaluation of drug and disease influence on occurrence of hyperkalemia : a data mining approach. V: CORNET, Ronald (ur.). Digital Healthcare Empowering Europeans : proceedings of MIE2015, (Studies in health technology and informatics (Online), ISSN 1879-8365, 210). Amsterdam [etc.]: IOS Press. cop. 2015,
- Evaluation of electronic drug interaction checker database-rheumatoid arthritis patients case study. European journal of hospital pharmacy, Science and practice, ISSN 2047-9956, 2015
- What can reporting adverse drug reaction change?. Medicinski razgledi, Supplement, ISSN 0353-3484, (Medicinski razgledi, ISSN 0025-8121), mar. 2016
- Prescribing of cannabinoids - a regulatory view. Farmacevtski vestnik : strokovno glasilo slovenske farmacije, ISSN 0014-8229. [Tiskana izd.], 2016
- Selected perspectives on prescribing quality of medicines with low-weight heparins at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana : [enoviti magistrski študij farmacije]. Ljubljana: [T. Hudobreznik], 2013
- Clinical and economic aspect of use of antimicrobials with restricted use in University Medical Center of Ljubljana : diplomska naloga., Ljubljana: [M. Bratož], 2014
- Clinical, economical and organisational aspects of using medicines without marketing authorisation in the University Medical Centre Ljubljana in 2013 : magistrska naloga. Ljubljana: [P. Soršak], 2015
- Evaluation of microbiological quality of the environment for preparation of parenteral medications in intensive care unit of the Clinical department for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care of Operational Branches at University Medical Centre Ljubljana : [enoviti magistrski študijski program farmacija]. Ljubljana: [K. Debelak], 2015
- Development and stability assessment of extemporaneously prepared oral liquid formulation with B vitamins : specialistična naloga. Ljubljana: [D. Ljubojević], 2017
| Svojo poklicno pot je začela v Gorenjskih lekarnah kot vodja galenskega laboratorija in nadaljevala na mestu direktorice istega javnega zavoda. Med letoma 2002 in 2010 je bila predsednica Lekarniške zbornice Slovenije. Po tem je prevzela vodenje bolnišnične lekarne v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru Ljubljana, največji univerzitetni bolnišnici v Sloveniji. Po šestih letih v bolnišnični lekarni je bila od 2015 do 2018 zaposlena kot direktorica na Javni agenciji Republike Slovenije za zdravila in medicinske pripomočke (JAZMP). Njeno področje dela je poleg vodstvenih nalog zajemalo sisteme kakovosti v zdravstvu, uvajanje klinične farmacije, načrtovanje in uvajanje novih informacijskih tehnologij v lekarni. Od leta 2018 deluje v Kemofarmaciji kot vodja upravljanja kakovosti.