National projects
Dynamic aspect of ligand-protein binding
A variety of processes essential to living organisms involve ligand-protein binding, where the ligands are switching proteins between different functional states. The atomic resolution structures of ligand-protein complexes provide the basis for the understanding of ligand-protein interactions. However, it is becoming obvious that dynamic processes are playing an im...
01. May 2017 - 30. April 2020 | 1.04 Natural Sciences and mathematics/Chemistry
DNA vaccine and peptide inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2
(slovene) Pandemija Covid-19 predstavlja eno največjih groženj svetu v zadnjem stoletju tako za zdravstvo kot za vse segmente družbe od ekonomskih do socialnih. Kaže, da bo učinkovita in trajna rešitev le zdravilo, s katerim bi lahko preprečili virusno razmnoževanje, in predvsem cepivo, ki bi povzročilo dolgotrajno zaščito in s pomočjo katerega bi lahk...
01. October 2020 - 30. September 2022 | 4.06.02 Biotechnical sciences / Biotechnology / Bio-engineering
Exploitation of a virus-borne small protein to combat antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus
The development of drug‑resistant bacteria is an unavoidable outcome of widespread antibacterial chemotherapy of infectious diseases. Drug discovery programs directed against proteins considered essential for in vivo bacterial viability have yielded few new therapeutic classes of antibiotics, therefore treatment options for combating bacteria resistant to multiple d...
01. July 2019 - 31. December 2022 | 4.06.04 Biotechnical sciences/Biotechnology/Microbe biotechnology
Improvement of immunotherapeutic potential of NK cells through modulation of cystatin F
The effectiveness of conventional therapeutic modalities, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy, is limited due to drug resistance acquired by tumor cells during systemic treatment. Moreover, convenient antitumor drugs are practically ineffective against cancer stem cells, which represent a dormant pool of cells able to induce tumor recurrence. Cancer immunotherap...
01. July 2019 - 30. June 2022 | 4.06 Biotechnical sciences / Biotechnology
Selective extraction of high value molecules from forest products processing residues in the speciality chemicals sector
Forest-based industries, especially pulp and paper industries, produce huge quantities of bark during primary processing activities. In 2017 alone, the European pulp and paper industry used close to 149 million cubic meters of wood. The bark reduces the quality of wood products and is removed and mainly burned for energy production. In pulp and paper industries, a w...
01. July 2019 - 30. June 2022 | 4.01.02 Biotechnical sciences / Forestry, wood and paper technology / Wood technology
Protein interaction atlas for prediction of genetic variations involved in drug interactions and disease development
Computer intensive methods and applications is extremely propulsive area of scientific research in which the use of supercomputers and computer clusters is used to solve the most demanding computational problems in theoretical and applied research in natural and technical sciences. We deal with solving of various types of problems, such as, structure and dynamics of...
01. July 2019 - 06. January 2022 | 1.07. Natural sciences and mathematics / Computer intensive methods and applications
Structural insight into the mechanism of Clostridium difficile surface formation
The cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria is composed of proteins and peptidoglycan with the protruding secondary polysaccharides, which differ in the chemical composition and structure among various species. The cell wall secondary polysaccharides are covalently attached to the peptidoglycan and can account for more than a half of the total cell wall mass. They form ...
01. July 2019 - 30. June 2023 | 1.05 Natural sciences and mathematics/Biochemistry and molecular biology
Quantitative light scattering spectroscopy as a process analytical technology in pharmaceutical manufacturing
To simultaneously and fully deterministically quantify the chemical composition, phase content, and morphology of paticles in pharmaceutical dispersions (samples) their optical properties have to be obtained by a certain measuring setup. We will apply experimental measuring setups based on fiber probes and hyperspectral imaging systems and use their models (paramete...
01. October 2022 - 30. September 2025 | 2.06 Engineering sciences and technologies / Systems and cybernetics