
Biomedicine (3rd stage)

Within the University of Ljubljana doctoral programme Biomedicine, the Faculty of Pharmacy offers a three-year doctoral study programme with 180 ECTS credits in three fields:
•    Pharmacy
•    Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Biomedicine
•    Toxicology
A doctoral degree study programme at the Faculty of Pharmacy is carried out within the University Doctoral Programme Biomedicine. After the reform in 2007, the university doctoral programme Biomedicine replaced the previous four-year university scientific postgraduate programme Biomedicine. Doctoral programme Biomedicine enables the students to gain the academic title doctor of science in the following scientific fields: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Pharmacy, Genetics, Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Biomedicine, Medicine – clinical field, Medicine – basic field, Microbiology, Social Medicine, Toxicology and Veterinary Medicine. Faculty of Pharmacy is the coordinator of the scientific fields of pharmacy, clinical biochemistry and laboratory biomedicine, and toxicology. 
Doctoral study programme Biomedicine lasts three years, comprises 180 credit points, and is a third cycle study programme according to the Bologna scheme. Organized part of the course comprises 60 credit points, whereas the rest 120 credit points are intended for the individual doctoral dissertation research work. 
Prior to their dissertation defence, doctoral researchers enrolled in the Biomedicine study programme at the Faculty of Pharmacy must have published (or their articles have been accepted to be published) at least two scientific articles (the first one before handing in the application for the approval of the doctoral dissertation topic, and the second one before the defence of the dissertation) from a field of a doctorate from the magazine indexed by the SCI or SSCI. The doctoral researcher must be the first author of at least one article. For detailed explanation of the requirements, see Doctoral Study Regulations.
For further information on scientific fields of pharmacy, clinical biochemistry and laboratory biomedicine, and toxicology, candidates can contact their coordinators:
•    for the field of pharmacy: Prof. Dr. Danijel Kikelj; tel.: 01/47 69 561, fax: 01/42 58 031 
•    for the filed of clinical biochemistry and laboratory biomedicine: Prof. Dr. Janja Marc; tel.: 01/47 69 600, fax: 01/42 58 031  
•    for the field of toxicology: Prof. Dr. Marija Sollner Dolenc; tel.: 01/47 69,572, fax: 01/42 58 031 
Presentation of the study programme Biomedicine

Procedure for preparing and defending a thesis on the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine at the UL FFA