Research projects and financial support
Financial support: MIZŠ, EU Cohesion founds, EU Horizon 2020, EU Erasmus+ and ARRS.
Razvoj raziskovalne infrastrukture za mednarodno konkurenčnost translacijskih raziskav na področju biomedicine in razvoja zdravil v Sloveniji
The aim of the project is to establish state-of-the-art infrastructure for translational research in the field of pharmacy and biomedicine and to promote innovation seeking for new entrepreneurial opportunities in the field of drug development and drug repurposing. |
The project has the status of an implemented ESFRI project and thus ranks in the national priority area for the development of research infrastructure and aims to increase the international competitiveness of the Slovene infrastructure for the research and development.
The operation is implemented in the scope of Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy within 2014 – 2020, priority axis: 1 research, technologic development and innovations with the priority investment which is in accordance with the smart specialization for greater competitiveness and green economy; Priority investment: 1.1 with the aim to build up the infrastructure for research and innovation and to develop the infrastructure capacity to reach the excellence in the field, as well as in promoting competent centers, especially those of European importance. The specific objective: 1.1.1 is the effective use of research infrastructure and development of competences for better national and international cooperation. |
Eatris-plus is a flag-ship project of the European Infrastructure Center for Translational Medicine, EATRIS, and is funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 program. The project aims to strengthen capacity and provide innovative scientific tools to reinforce the long term sustainability of EATRIS in the field of personalized medicine. The specific aims of the project include: strengthening the capacity of the EATRIS in the field of personalized medicine to improve the functioning of academic institutions and industry, and increasing the integration of the EATRIS with large pharmaceutical companies; developing the sustainable financial model of EATRIS; encouraging patients to be actively involved in the operations; and expanding the strategic partnership with research infrastructure. EATRIS-Plus contributes to the pooling and exploitation of the translational infrastructure capacity of academic institutions in the field of various -omic technologies and provides access to the data obtained with those modern technologies. The project thus contributes a share to the solution of global scientific and social challenges in the field of personalized medicine. |
The Erasmus + ADVANCE is an European educational project in the field of advanced medicine (ATMP). The project is organized as a three-level curriculum that contains: 1) online courses, 2) online seminars and 3) a practical one-week workshop. UL FFA in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanita - ISS) is in charge of the curriculum preparation and responsible for the workshop implementation. Each workshop will accommodate up to 30 participants. The participants attending the training will receive certificates validating their expertise in the field of ATMP. The program is intended for students and scientists at the beginning of their careers in the broader field of biomedicine and presents a platform for acquisition of specific knowledge and competencies to face the challenges in the development, manufacture, marketing and use of ATMP. The project is coordinated by EATRIS ERIC, situated in the Netherlands, and the partners: UL FFA, Slovenia; Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Italy; Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; Elevate, The Netherlands; KU Leuven, Belgium and Takis SRL, Italy. The project leader at UL FFA is prof. dr. Irena Mlinarič-Raščan.
| is a part of the network of research infrastructure centers of the University of Ljubljana (MRIC UL). The mission of MRIC UL is to provide specialized technical and infrastructural support to the scientific and academic activities for the members of the University of Ljubljana. MRIC UL research infrastructure is also accessible to other research organizations in Slovenia and around the world. MRIC UL activities are co-financed by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) within its infrastructure programs (IO 0510). The list of infrastructure centers that operate at individual members of the University of Ljubljana within the MRIC UL 2015-2021 is available on the website