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    Industrial pharmacy

    The MSc in Industrial Pharmacy at University of Ljubljana has been designed to teach a range of advanced topics to graduates of pharmacy, biology, chemistry or engineering.

Postgraduate program of industrial pharmacy

The MSc in Industrial Pharmacy at University of Ljubljana has been designed to teach a range of advanced topics to graduates of pharmacy, biology, chemistry or engineering.

INFORMATION DAY: Wednesday: May 15, 2024 at 4 p.m. (lecture room P1).
INFORMATION DAY: Thursday: May 16, 2024 at 12.00, only online, ZOOM ( Meeting ID: 954 5970 8389 )

About the course

The Industrial Pharmacy postgraduate program at the University of Ljubljana is designed to equip students for careers in the pharmaceutical industry and scientific research on an advanced level. Graduates of Industrial Pharmacy may find employment in drug discovery, development, production, quality control, quality assurance and management, regulatory affairs and equipment management in the pharmaceutical sector.

The program aims to:

  • give an overview of basic concepts in pharmaceutics and industrial pharmacy;
  • familiarize students with a complete drug development process that leads to safe, effective and high-quality product:
  • provide advanced knowledge in pharmaceutical science such as Quality by Design;
  • develop a wide range of essential and transferable skills such as analytical problem solving, teamwork, organization, and information communication.
  • equip students to pursue careers in the pharmaceutical industry or in other roles in the life science sector.
  • give students the advanced knowledge, skills and experience to compete for sought after roles in the pharmaceutical sector.

During the course, students will have the opportunity to visit our industrial partners to get an insight into the pharmaceutical industry and the various careers available in the industry. Our modules are also supplemented by guest lectures and workshops provided by pharmaceutical companies and regulatory bodies.

BioCamp 2021: September 27 - October 1, 2021, Virtual Event

University students in the natural, economics and technical sciences, from last year’s undergraduate, master’s, doctoral and post-doctoral study programs are invited to apply for the BioCamp 2021. The event will be held in English and English fluency is required. A total of 42 selected students will be chosen based on their academic excellence, professional experience and extra-curricular activities. Applications are open until May 31, 2021.

25. May 2021 | Study

2022 EAHP Student Science Award

The award procedure will be kicked-off with the webinar on “How to write an abstract” that will be held on 26th of May from 5 to 7 PM CET via Zoom. After the webinar, interested students are invited to share their draft abstract ideas for feedback with EAHP’s Board leads responsible for student affairs. They will receive input over the summer on their drafts and then have 2 ½ months to finalise their abstract. The deadline for submission is 15th of November 2021. After, members of our Scientific Committee will review all submissions and the winner will be announced at our Congress in March 2022. Detailed information is also available on EAHP website: https://www.eahp.eu/students/eahp-epsa-student-science-award

14. May 2021 | Study, International relations

BioCamp 2021: September 27 - October 1, 2021, Virtual Event

BioCamp is traditional international event, which is organized in Novartis in Slovenia. The event brings together top university students from science, business and technical sciences who are interested in pursuing a career in pharmaceutical industry. University students in the natural, economics and technical sciences, from last year’s undergraduate, master’s, doctoral and post-doctoral study programs, are invited to apply for the BioCamp 2021.

10. May 2021 | Study

Why study industrial pharmacy in Slovenia

  • The Faculty of Pharmacy in Ljubljana is a national leader and an internationally recognized academic and research institution, with a high-ranking degree course.
  • Our students have access to a range of state-of-the-art equipment and facilities to help them develop necessary practical skills.
  • The Faculty of Pharmacy provides an excellent environment for students to realize their professional and personal potential, equipping them with competitive knowledge and skills desired by employers.
  • Qualifications obtained at the Faculty of Pharmacy are internationally recognized.
  • Our close links with the pharma industry mean we can arrange careers days, work placements and other opportunities where you will have direct access to potential employers.

At Lek, a Sandoz company, we welcome the announcement of the English-language Industrial Pharmacy postgraduate program at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana. The new program opens up an international space for the flow of top skills, expertize, and talents. We already employ a large number of Master's graduates from the Slovenian-language version of the Industrial Pharmacy postgraduate program in our development laboratories and production, and expect a growing demand in the future. Given the global nature of our company, we need interdisciplinary teams of experts from various international backgrounds. We therefore support the introduction of the English program and will work to attract some of the most motivated students to our scholarship program. 

Luka Peternel
, Head Pharmaceutical Development at Sandoz Development Center Slovenija, Lek d.d.

At Krka, we are committed to supporting educational initiatives that contribute to the advancement of pharmaceutical education and sciences in Slovenia. Therefore, we support the English-language Industrial Pharmacy postgraduate programme at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana. The programme is not new to us. We have already contributed to the Slovene-language programme by providing Krka’s lecturers and organising visits to Krka, and will provide students with the opportunity to gain experience in the pharmaceutical sector also in future. Moreover, several graduates of the initial Slovene program are successful employees of Krka in various and important roles in our company. 
We believe that this programme plays an important role in equipping students with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in the pharmaceutical industry.

Zvone Simončič, Director of Pharmaceutical RD, Krka, d. d., Novo mesto

Luka Peternel_vodja Farmacevtskega razvoja v Razvojnem centru Slovenija, Lek d.d.

Course outline

The extent of studies is 120 ECTS for the Master’s Degree in Industrial Pharmacy and lasts typically 2 academic years. The academic year is split into two semesters, in which students are required to complete a combination of compulsory and elective modules. Students may select elective modules from other study programs offered by the University of Ljubljana. The modules can be selected on the basis of the scientific research project, which students undertake in the last semester.



Compulsory studies, 30 ECTS

  • Pharmaceutical Technology, 10 ECTS
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 10 ECTS
  • Stability of Medicinals, 5 ECTS

Optional studies, 5 ECTS

  • Pharmaceutical Tecnological Analytics, 5 ECTS
  • Biological and Toxicological Properties of Pharmaceutical Materials, 5 ECTS
  • Pharmaceutical packaging, 5 ECTS
  • Design of Particle Properties, 5 ECTS
  • Spectroscopic and Separation Analitical Methods, 5 ECTS


Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, 10 ECTS

  • Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 1, 5 ECTS
  • Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology and delivery systemy for biotechnological active substances, 5 ECTS
  • Analysis of Medicinals, 5 ECTS

Optional studies, 5 ECTS

  • Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Metabolites in Biological Materials, 5 ECTS
  • Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 2, 5 ECTS
  • Phytopharmaceutics, 5 ECTS
  • Cosmetology and Cosmetic Products, 5 ECTS
  • Analysis of Active Substances and Metabolites in Biological Materials, 5 ECTS
  • Preclinical studies, 5 ECTS


Compulsory studies, 30 ECTS

  • Industrial Development of Medicines, 5 ECTS
  • Pharmaceutical Ingineering, 5 ECTS
  • Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Production, 5 ECTS
  • Intelectual Property, Legislation and Regulation, 5 ECTS


  • Research Project-Preparation of Master's Thesis, 25 ECTS
  • Defence of Master Thesis, 5 ECTS


Optional studies, 10 ECTS

  • Microbiological Quality of Pharmaceutical Products, 5 ECTS
  • Prolonged Release Dosage Forms, 5 ECTS
  • Pharmaceutical Marketing, 5 ECTS
  • Pharmaceutical Process Equipment, 5 ECTS
  • Pharmaceutical Industry Administration and Management, 5 ECTS
  • Pharmacokinetic and Clinical Studies, 5 ECTS
  • Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology 2, 5 ECTS
  • Biopharmaceutical Evaluation of Dosage Forms, 5 ECTS
  • Design of New Active Substances, 5 ECTS
  • Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products, 5 ECTS

A typical week for a student may be as follows:

  • Lectures and seminars - 18 hours
  • Tutorial classes - 1 hour
  • Tutorial classes - 1 hour
  • Practicals - 6 hours
  • Self-directed study, including preparatory reading, problem sheets, revision of material - 25-35 hours

Total hours per week: 50-60 hours

Covid-19 information

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the methods and activities adopted for delivering our course on Industrial Pharmacy in the coming year may differ from those previously published and may be subject to change during the course of your study if such change is necessary due to public health concerns, health and safety guidance or in response to Government Guidelines.


Entry requirements

Access requirements:

Access requirements to the Industrial Pharmacy study programme:
a) graduates of the first cycle study programme from the following fields: biochemistry, biology, biotechnology, chemistry, chemical engineering, chemical technology, cosmetology, laboratory biomedicine, microbiology, food science (180 ECTS credits). 
b) graduates of other disciplines who should meet additional study requirements of 10 to 60 ECTS credit points of worth of which is defined according to their particular discipline.

Students must present a language certificate of their English language skills. Good language skills refer to level B2 on the CEFR scale of the European Language Portfolio Levels.

Proof of English language skills

  • Transcript of Records of the home university; or
  • Language Certificate with CEFR scale; or
  • TOEFL score of 79 (IBT) or
  • IELTS score of 6, or any official certificate
  • Results from the OLS (Online Language Support)
  • Any other official certificates

Tuition fee

The course fee is typically 15.000 EUR per academic year. However, because the course programme will be conducted in a hybrid fashion, the fee for school year 2024/2025 will be reduced by 50% (i.e. 7.500 EUR)

You are responsible for your own costs associated with the literature use, travel, accommodation, and food expenses, as well as studies undertaken outside this program at other universities. 

How to apply

We accept the application for enrolment through the electronic online system eVŠ Online Portal.

You can submit your application in two ways:

  1. with a qualified digital certificate, i.e., electronic signature, by the end of the application deadline. You do not need to send the printed application form by post. You must only send by registered post all the supplemental documents that are required by the enrolment conditions (do not forget to write the reference number of the application for enrolment on the appendix, the address must be the same as on the sent application for enrolment).
  2. without the qualified digital certificate with username and password. Once you fill out your application form, you must print, sign and send it by registered post with all the supplemental documents by the application deadline set in the call for enrolment of the designated higher education institution (the address is written on the upper left corner of the printed application form).

Here are video instructions for registering and first login on the web portal eVŠ

Application deadline

The final application deadline for fall semester 2024/2025: 21st September 2024 
Enrollment will take place after 22nd September 2024.
Application is only possible for the fall semester starting from 1st of October of each year.

Selection Criteria and Process

The maximum yearly intake is 40 students.
Before enrollment students will be invited to an oral interview (online).
You will receive a notification of admission to the Faculty of Pharmacy one week after the interview.

Cancellation policy

Application is binding. Paid student fees will not be refunded.

Living and studying in Slovenia

Visa and residence permit

You will find visa and residence permit requirements here. Before you start any official procedure, please consult with relevant authorities and official websites.

Please note that non-EU citizens must present a statement of financial self-sufficiency (5000 EUR per year) to acquire visa and residence permit.

Cost of living and accommodation

The cost to live and study as a student in Slovenia varies. Here are some average student costs to give you an idea. The prices are average across the country so they can be used as a rough guide for your budget planning.

Accommodation options in Slovenia include university accommodation, private flats and private rooms. Prices vary depending on the city and the type of accommodation chosen.

Additional information

You can find a comprehensive guide on studying and living in Slovenia at https://studyinslovenia.si.

More information

For further information about the course, please contact Izidor Sosič, e-mail:izidor.sosic@ffa.uni-lj.si, +386 1 47 69 562.