
Industrial pharmacy

The MSc in Industrial Pharmacy at University of Ljubljana has been designed to teach a range of advanced topics to graduates of pharmacy, biology, chemistry or engineering.

07. January 2022 | Study

BioCamp 2021: September 27 - October 1, 2021, Virtual Event

University students in the natural, economics and technical sciences, from last year’s undergraduate, master’s, doctoral and post-doctoral study programs are invited to apply for the BioCamp 2021. The event will be held in English and English fluency is required. A total of 42 selected students will be chosen based on their academic excellence, professional experience and extra-curricular activities. Applications are open until May 31, 2021.

25. May 2021 | Study

2022 EAHP Student Science Award

The award procedure will be kicked-off with the webinar on “How to write an abstract” that will be held on 26th of May from 5 to 7 PM CET via Zoom. After the webinar, interested students are invited to share their draft abstract ideas for feedback with EAHP’s Board leads responsible for student affairs. They will receive input over the summer on their drafts and then have 2 ½ months to finalise their abstract. The deadline for submission is 15th of November 2021. After, members of our Scientific Committee will review all submissions and the winner will be announced at our Congress in March 2022. Detailed information is also available on EAHP website: https://www.eahp.eu/students/eahp-epsa-student-science-award

14. May 2021 | Study, International relations

Study at the Faculty of Pharmacy

Since 2008/2009, the Faculty of Pharmacy provides only reformed or new Bologna study programmes at all three cycles.

Bologna study programmes (3+2+3 or 5+0+3, after each completed cycle, it is possible to get employed):
3+ undergraduate studies 3 years - first cycle
5+0 uniform master’s studies 5 years - first and second cycles combined
+2 postgraduate master’s studies 2 years - second cycle 
+3 postgraduate doctoral studies 3 years – third cycle


Master’s study programme Laboratory Biomedicine, +2, 120 ECTS credits, 4 semesters (2 years)

Master’s study programme Industrial Pharmacy, +2, 120 ECTS, 4 semesters (2 years)

Within the University of Ljubljana doctoral programme Biomedicine, the Faculty of Pharmacy offers a three-year doctoral study programme with 180 ECTS credits in three fields:
•    Pharmacy
•    Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Biomedicine
•    Toxicology