  • University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy

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EAHP-EPSA Student Science Award

Information about the EAHP-EPSA Student Science Award for dissemination to potential applicants. Please find more information in full published news.

10. May 2019 | Study, International relations

Twinnet student exchange: Besançon, March 2019

On 6th of March began our first part of Twinnet exchange with France. There were nine participants from each country. Our Twins from Besançon kindly welcomed us to their homes and introduced us to everything we need to know about France and their culture. The topic of the educational programme was ‘’Sports and health’’. Furthermore, there was also an EPSA training about stress, which we all enjoyed. The overall experience was great; we made some new friends, learned French and had lots of fun. We cannot wait to host the second part of Twinnet in Ljubljana and to see our Twins again.

18. March 2019 | Study, International relations, DŠFS

Study in Slovenia

Detailed information and presentation for the Academic year 2018/2019

01. March 2018 | Faculty, Study

Study at the Faculty of Pharmacy

Since 2008/2009, the Faculty of Pharmacy provides only reformed or new Bologna study programmes at all three cycles.

Bologna study programmes (3+2+3 or 5+0+3, after each completed cycle, it is possible to get employed):
3+ undergraduate studies 3 years - first cycle
5+0 uniform master’s studies 5 years - first and second cycles combined
+2 postgraduate master’s studies 2 years - second cycle 
+3 postgraduate doctoral studies 3 years – third cycle


Master’s study programme Laboratory Biomedicine, +2, 120 ECTS credits, 4 semesters (2 years)

Master’s study programme Industrial Pharmacy, +2, 120 ECTS, 4 semesters (2 years)

Within the University of Ljubljana doctoral programme Biomedicine, the Faculty of Pharmacy offers a three-year doctoral study programme with 180 ECTS credits in three fields:
•    Pharmacy
•    Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Biomedicine
•    Toxicology