In-depth study on nanofibers with new probiotics published in the prestigious Journal of Controlled Release
Researchers from the Departments of Pharmaceutical Technology and Clinical Biochemistry at Faculty of Pharmacy, in cooperation with partners from the Jožef Stefan Institute, published an article entitled " Nanofibers with genotyped Bacillus strains exhibiting antibacterial and immunomodulatory activity " in Journal of Controlled Release (IF = 11,467), a prestigious journal from the area of pharmacetuical technology.
17. February 2023
New international award for innovative treatment of canine cognitive dysfunction
Assist. Urban Košak, PhD., and his team (assist. prof. Damijan Knez, PhD; assoc. prof. Simon Žakelj, PhD; assist. prof. Jurij Trontelj, PhD; assoc. prof. Ilija German Ilić, PhD; prof. Odon Planinšek, PhD and prof. Stanislav Gobec, PhD) won the Award for the Most Innovative Animal Health Project at the prestigious @Biofit Event.
25. January 2023
Symposium in honor of Professor Julijana Kristl and Stanko Srčič
Faculty of Pharmacy hosted a symposium in honor of Professor Julijana Kristl and Stanko Srčič upon their retirement on Wednesday, September 14, 2022. Internationally established professors of pharmaceutical technology and nanotechnology were honored by lectures of their doctoral students and presence of numerous colleagues from the faculty, the domestic pharmaceutical community and abroad.
20. September 2022
Novel cathepsin-X inhibitors and their ability to improve cathepsin B-directed antitumor therapy
Colleges for Department of pharmaceutical biology and Department of pharmaceutical chemistry together with colleges from Jožef Stefan Institute published the paper in journal Cellular and Molecular Life Science (IF = 9.261) entitled “Evaluation of novel cathepsin-X inhibitors in vitro and in vivo and their ability to improve cathepsin-B-directed antitumor therapy”. More...
10. January 2022
EATRIS-Plus Workshop: Theory and Practice of Industry and Academy Collaboration
On 27-28 September 2021, the H2020 project EATRIS-Plus hosted an international two-day workshop "Theory and Practice of Industry-Academia Collaboration", co-organized by UL FFA, Biocat (Barcelona, Spain) and EATRIS (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). The workshop brought together 40 academics, postdoctoral researchers, knowledge transfer office staff and representatives of biotechnology companies.
05. October 2021
This year's BioCamp on the impact of data and artificial intelligence on the pharmaceutical industry
Head of Strategic Programs at Novartis Slovenia. BioCamp will also host the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Ljubljana, Prof. Dr. Irena Mlinarič-Raščan, who will participate in the commission for evaluating the best team tasks of the participants. “Cooperation with the pharmaceutical industry is the foundation of the successful development of the Faculty of Pharmacy and thus the formation of an innovative environment for study and research.
28. September 2021