
Tekočinski kromatograf HPLC 1260 Infinity - Agilent Technologies


Assist. prof. Alenka Šmid, M. Pharm, PhD.


Equipment is available at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Aškerčeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana Public access to the equipment is not forseen. In any case one has to agree the details of an eventual access with its superviser which has to be present through whole agreed working time on the equipment.

Intended Purpose:

Equipment is used for determination of enzyme activity for enzymes which are important in therapies with different drugs as well as measurement of metabolites in complex biological samples. System enables a good control of chromatographic parameters.

Description of equipment:

Price of equipment use:

Use is € 31,56 per hour.

Research Equipment ( co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency.