
Next generation sequencer MiSeq, Illumina


Assist. prof. Alenka Šmid, M. Pharm, PhD.


Equipment is available at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Aškerčeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana. Access to equippment must be agreed with supervisor of the equipment. Due to delicate nature of the equipment supervisor must be present through whole ageed working time on the equipment.

Intended Purpose:

MiSeq is a fast, flexible high-throughput, next-generation sequencer that allows rapid sequencing of amplicons, DNA target regions, target RNA, 16S rRNA, and whole bacterial or viral genomes.

Description of equipment:

Numerous flow cell formats and multiple reagent configurations allow for high flexibility and from 1 Gb to 15 Gb output per run. The system is controlled via a computer integrated in the instrument. The prepared libraries are loaded directly into the system, where clusters are automatically generated by clonal amplification of individual molecules on the flow cell. Cluster sequencing is performed using sequencing by synthesis technology with the patented use of reversible terminator chemistry. Sequencing by synthesis technology supports both single-read and paired-end libraries. Paired-end sequencing allows users to sequence both ends of a fragment and generate high-quality, alignable sequence data. Paired-end sequencing facilitates detection of genomic rearrangements and repetitive sequence elements, as well as gene fusions and novel transcripts. The sequencing reagents are mixed and filled in a cartridge with an RFID chip that allows traceability of reagent consumption. The system allows up to 300 bp read lenghts in one direction. Data analysis can be done using MiSeq Reporter locally or BaseSpace Hub online. MiSeq Reporter processes base calls generated on-instrument during the sequencing run by real time analysis software. The software allows startup planning and various data analyses, such as database calling, sequence alignment, variant identification, or de novo analysis. Cloud based analysis is enabled by the BaseSpace Sequence Hub platform and is designed to store and work with genomic data, in a simple and user-friendly format. Data obtained after sequencing can be stored on the cloud, and optionally shared with other users, allowing collaboration on a global scale.

Price of equipment use

Use is    €/hour.

Sekvenator naslednje generacije MiSeq, Illumina

The equipment is cofunded within the scope of Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy and Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.