
Multimodal plate reader, Tecan Spark


Assoc. prof. Martina Gobec, M. Pharm., Ph. D.


Equipment is available at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Aškerčeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana. Access to equipment must be agreed with supervisor of the equipment. Due to delicate nature of the equipment supervisor must be present through whole agreed working time on the equipment.

Intended Purpose:

The device is designed to capture the signal of absorbance, fluorescence, time-dependent fluorescence, fluorescence polarization or luminescence on microtiter plates of various dimensions (at least up to the size of 384 wells). It enables efficient data collection and processing. It is useful in many fields (spectrophotometry, fluorimetry, enzyme kinetics, cell biology,…) due to its configuration.

Description of equipment:

Tecan Spark reader allows the detection of different types of signal signals (absorbance, luminescence or fluorescence) under controlled conditions (control of temperature, humidity, CO2 concentration). Hybrid technology combines two optical systems and allows the use of filters and monochromators. The device allows many applications:

  • kinetic monitoring of enzymatic or non-enzymatic reactions by measuring absorbance or fluorescence
  • measurement of spectra (absorbance, excitation and fluorescence emissions, measurement range also in IR range up to 900 nm)
  • capture the fluorescence signal that develops with a delay (TRF)
  • use of AlphaScreen®, AlphaLISA® and AlphaPlex® technologies
  • determining the amount of DNA / RNA in low volumes
  • control of temperature (18–42 ° C), atmosphere (CO2) and humidity
  • injector system with two injectors (minimum application volume is 5 µL) for adding reagents to the plates inside the reader

The equipment is cofunded within the scope of Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy and Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.