
Liquid chromatograph coupled with a high-resolution mass detector at the time of flight


Prof. Robert Roškar, M. Pharm., Ph. D.


The equipment is available at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Aškerčeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana. By arrangement with the supervisor. Due to the specifics of the equipment, the equipment supervisor must always be present when working on the equipment.

Intended Purpose:

A precise mass spectrometer allows the identification and quantification of small and large molecules (e.g. proteins) in various samples.

Description of equipment:

Agilent 6545XT AdvanceBio Q-TOF mass spectrometer:

- ESI ion source
- mass range 50-30,000 m / z
- mass accuracy ≤ 0.8 ppm
- fat resolution> 50,000 FWHM
- dynamic range up to 5 decades

Agilent 1290 Infinity II UHPLC liquid chromatograph:

- pressure up to 1300 bar
- binary pump
- thermostated automatic sampler (4-40 ° C) for the use of 4 microtiter plates
- cross-transfer during injections <0.001%
- column thermostat (4-110 ° C)

Liquid chromatograph coupled with a high-resolution mass detector at the time of flight

The equipment is co-funded by the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.