Pharmaceutical technology: from drug delivery systems to therapeutic outcomes of medicines in children end elderly
01. January 2018 - 31. December 2024
3,93 FTE
Albin Kristl
3.07 Medical sciences/Metabolic and hormonal disorders, 1-09 Natural sciences and Mathematics - Pharmacy
Research Organisation:
The main focus of the Programme Group “Pharmaceutical technology: from drug delivery systems to therapeutic outcomes of medicines in children and elderly” is the delivery of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) to the targeted site in the body and the optimization of drug therapy in different groups of patients. The Group's research programme is designed and substantiated with three pillars, originating in the knowledge of three participating departments and will be horizontally and vertically integrated. The programme content is of increasingly complexness, spanning from the development of drug delivery systems, including all aspects of their physico-chemical, technological, biological, biopharmaceutic and pharmacokinetic characterisation, to the evaluation of therapeutic outcomes after using the designed new and modified drug delivery systems, mostly in children and elderly. Multiunit and flexible dosage forms, such as granules, pellets and mini tablets will be produced. Oral films will be prepared by casting technology, electrospinning and 2D-printing. Orodispersible tablets will be prepared by lyopillisation or direct compression. Bioadhesive polymers, which can improve drug bioavailability, will be also systematically investigated. Lipid based drug delivery systems as well as other technological approaches to solve the problem of variable (low) drug bioavailability and large presystemic metabolism will be researched. Advanced delivery systems for application of macromolecules in their biological active form will be developed as well. Release of API from formulations in vitro under physiological and pathophysiological conditions and those of special patient subpopulations will be studied. The solubility as well as supersaturation of different active substances will be investigated. Permeability, distribution and metabolism of API in different in vitro and in vivo models will be examined. In silico testing, e.g. mathematical modelling and computer simulation will be used as a support to reduce the extent of experimental work. To support multiple and diverse fields of research within our Programme Group, such as evaluation of delivery systems, studies of biopharmaceutic and pharmacokinetic processes, the therapeutic drug monitoring and screening and analysis of environmental samples, our analytical expertise will provide a state-of-the-art methodology offering a reliable identification and confident quantification of (multiple) APIs and their metabolites in various complex samples. Finnaly, clinical, humanistic and economic outcomes of pharmacotherapy will be evaluated to improve patients’ adherence, to study medication burden with concomitant alcohol use and the frailty syndrome among the elderly and to develop new approaches in medicines’ evaluation systems for healthcare decision-making, especially for new and innovative medicines.
Bibliographical references, arising directly from the implementation of the project:
Changed: 27. February 2023