


European Researchers' Night 2019 at the UL Faculty of Pharmacy: September 27, 2019

Visitors of the European Researchers' Night will be able to participate in interesting experiments and shorter workshops, such as the preparation of medicines and elephant’s toothpaste, silver mirror and many other things. They can visit laboratories, talk to researchers and thus easier to learn about different aspects of a very exciting profession of researcher and scientist, that offers young people a range of career opportunities.

05. September 2019 | Faculty

Erasmus+ Staff Training Week 21-25 oktober 2019: "Together is Better"; Interprofessional learning and Cooperation in the field of Health

For more information please visit http://staffmobility.eu/staffweek/together-better-interprofessional.

13. May 2019 | Faculty

Novità nell'acquisizione e utilizzo di cellule staminali mesenchimali (MSC) in ortopedia

Vi invitiamo a partecipare all'incontro professionale della Società per l'ingegnerria cellulare e tissutale della Slovenia (DCTIS) che avrà luogo Mercoledì 24/4/2019 alle 16:00 nell'aula della Clinica Ortopedica (ingresso presso portineria), UKC Lubiana, Zaloška c. 9, Lubiana.

19. April 2019 | Faculty