
Liquid chromatographic system Agilent 1260 Infinitz 2 Prime


Assist. Dunja Urbančič, M. Pharm. PhD


The equipment is available at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Aškerčeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana. Access is possible by arrangement with the administrator. Due to the specifics of the equipment, the user must be trained to work with it.

Intended Purpose:

The instrument is used to determine the activity of enzymes, endogenous metabolites, and to analyze drug metabolism in complex biological samples. The system allows good control of chromatographic conditions, accurate and selective measurement of substances and has high analytical sensitivity.

Description of equipment:

The liquid chromatographic system comprises a quaternary pump with a pump head and a mixing valve, at which any composition of at least four mobile phases can be selected. The system's automatic sampler is thermostatted and allows samples to be stored on two microtiter plates (or 100 vials) at temperatures ranging from 4°C to 40°C. Rinsing of the outside of the needle is possible with up to 3 different solvents. The column module is also thermostatted, allowing chromatographic separation on three columns simultaneously at temperatures between 15°C and 85°C. Compounds can be detected using a 1024 diode array detector DAD which detects signals in the wavelength range between 190 nm and 800 nm. In addition to the DAD detector, the system is also equipped with a fluorescence detector that allows simultaneous acquisition of 4 fluorescence signals. The entire system can withstand a pressure of up to 800 bar.


31,56 €/hour.

The equipment is co-funded by the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.