
Liquid chromatograph Agilent 1290 II coupled to triple quadrupole-linear ion trap Sciex Qtrap 5500+


Assist. prof. Jurij Trontelj, M. Pharm., Ph. D.


Equipment is available at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Aškerčeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana. Public access to the equipment is not forseen. In any case one has to agree the details of an eventual access with its supervisor which has to be present through whole agreed working time on the equipment.

Intended Purpose:

Analysis of drugs, their metabolites and transformation products in complex biological and environmental samples.

Description of equipment:

High performance liquid chromatograph LC-MS-MS Varian 1200L

Price of equipment use:

Use is € 57,38  per hour.


Research Equipment ( co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency.